Dave at Mauder.com

Welcome to Mauder’s Money Matters! I’m Dave, and my goal here is to teach others smart strategies for early retirement and financial freedom.

The phrase, “early retirement” can mean many things to many people. For me, it meant reaching a point in my life where my money would finally work as hard for me as I had worked for it over the years.

It meant getting to a point in my life where I had enough money to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want, and as much as I want. It also meant, I now had F-U money and was able to say F-U to Corporate America. ?

Yes, it meant… I had achieved Financial Freedom!

After retiring in 2024 at age 55 from a 34 year career as an IT professional, I decided to re-launch Mauder’s Money Matters and share the knowledge I’d gained over the past 3+ decades of my adult life.

Whether you’re just starting out in life and looking for information about investing, budgeting, debt-reduction, and earning extra income, or you’re simply looking for ways to Escape Corporate America and retire early, I think you will find value here.

Since 1990, I’ve been fully immersed in the field of IT (Information Technology), working across various roles from programming to systems engineering. I’ve played part in the tech evolution, implementing, supporting, and optimizing computer systems, and solving complex problems. But my passion for investing and entrepreneurship always simmered just beneath the surface.

I want to share with you how my diverse professional background meshes with the financial insights I’ve gained over the years. It’s not just about having a steady career and saving/investing wisely; it’s also about the thrill of pursuing side hustles and the financial freedom they can bring.

After a fulfilling 3+ decades working as an IT professional, I’ve finally retired in my mid-50’s. This isn’t the end though; not even close. It’s a brand new beginning. My attention now turns to myself, my health, my family, and launching a whole new gig with online affiliate marketing. This is a field where I’ve tasted a bit of success in the past, and now have all the time to master my craft. I can now channel all my energy into guiding folks like you to make informed decisions, and develop strategies, for a prosperous and active life of early retirement.

The Path to Financial Independence: IT Expertise Meets Entrepreneurial Spirit

Laptop with money coming out

I’ve spent a good chunk of my life working in the world of IT. Over thirty-four years, I’ve watched the tech landscape evolve, and I’ve evolved with it. But my professional life has never been just about bits, bytes, and data storage. I’ve always had a penchant for personal finance, investing, and entrepreneurship And over the years, these interests have taken many forms.

While working demanding IT roles, I dipped my toes into various side hustles, each one teaching me invaluable lessons about business, resilience, and adaptability. I tested the waters of network marketing, managed vending routes, tried my hand at affiliate marketing. And along with my wife/life-partner, ran several traditional business endeavors including catering, restaurant & bar ownership, and log cabin rentals. These experiences, some very successful, and others not-so-much, were stepping stones that enriched my understanding of investing and the world of business.

One particularly enlightening venture was online affiliate marketing. It was a tough nut to crack, but the challenge fascinated me. Although I never hit the jackpot to the extent that I could leave my IT career behind, I found success and enjoyment in the process itself. Combined with disciplined saving and smart investing, these entrepreneurial efforts complemented my day job and laid the groundwork for financial independence and early retirement.

Flash forward to the present, I have finally closed the chapter on my IT career after launching and, ultimately, selling a prosperous log cabin rental business. That endeavor was a real game changer. It taught me about the real power of investing, leverage, and the potential for growth in areas I’d never imagined.

Now, I’m retired and ready to dive deep into the world of making money online through affiliate marketing. If you’re interested and ready to commit the time, I’d like to help you do the same.

Having ventured through corporate jungles and entrepreneurial challenges, I want to share these experiences with my peers. I’ve been there, done that, and now it’s about guiding others in their pursuit of financial freedom and early retirement.

Especially for retirees looking to supplement their income, I’m here to show you that it’s not just about the extra money; it’s about the satisfaction and pride that comes from engaging with innovative and fun ways to grow your nest egg.

Beyond Bytes and Business: Dave’s World of Hobbies and Interests

Image of money and hobbies

I like to think that there’s a lot more to me than just my professional background in IT and my business endeavors. That’s why I’d love to share a bit about what makes me, well, me. Outside the hustle of professional life, my hobbies and personal interests have always kept me grounded and given me a sense of fulfillment.

Aside from a deep interest in personal finance and investing, I also love and crave nature and the outdoors. I embrace every chance to hike, ruck, bike, kayak, canoe, or spend a little time fishing, especially in scenic places that stir the soul.

I love simply going outside in my bare feet, walking around my yard, and tossing a ball or frisbee with my dog Bailey. Or I might just sit on the porch or patio with a good book and enjoy the birds and other wildlife who consider our yard a safe place to hang out.

For me, nothing beats the serenity and challenges of nature. It’s my personal sanctuary away from glowing screens, buzzing devices, and the general craziness of life.

I love to read (mostly non-fiction), watch movies with my wife, and play with our crazy dog Bailey. I’m interested in health & fitness, and I have a renewed focus on being the best version of myself that I can be. I’m into minimalism, barefoot walking/hiking, rucking, meditation, mindfulness, and generally living a simple life. The way nature intended.

In retirement, I’ve found that these interests aren’t just pastimes or hobbies; they can also unlock opportunities for extra income. They remind us that financial acumen can come from our passions, not just our professions. In fact, in addition to this website, I’m also building another online business with a focus on nature and outdoor adventure in the area I currently reside. Check it out at DiscoveringHockingHills.com and let me know what you think.

So, I’m here to help you find that same synergy between enjoyment, passion, and financial benefit. My journey has shown me that retiring doesn’t equate to slowing down—it’s about changing gears, finding new avenues, and appreciating life’s different rhythms. As we explore these pursuits together, my goal is to help you turn your hobbies into potential sources of income, making your retirement not just comfortable, but exciting and purposeful.

Feel free to connect with me and let’s navigate the thrilling road of early retirement together. Whether it’s turning your hidden talents into a thriving online business or simply seeking advice on how to manage this exciting phase of life, I’m here with the tools, the experience, and the passion to assist you. Let’s embrace this journey with zeal and make every moment, and every dollar, count.

My Timeline…

  • 1968: Born in Northwest Ohio. I’m a Gemini. ♊
  • 1980: Introduced to my first computer, a TRS-80, by my nerdy cousin Gary who had an electronic wonderland in his basement. I was hooked. ?
  • 1983: Parents bought me my first computer, an Atari 800 XL.
  • 1985: Saved up some allowance, sold the Atari 800 XL to my sister, and upgraded to an Atari 130XE. Still 8-bit, but had 128KB of RAM! Holy crap, that was cutting edge technology.
  • 1986: Graduated high school. Sold the Atari 130XE and bought another computer with a 16-bit 80286 processor.
  • 1987: Joined the US Navy.
  • 1988: First child born. It’s a girl! ?
  • 1989: Honorable discharge from Active Duty Navy, entered the Naval Reserve for the next 6 years. Enrolled in college and officially launched my new career in IT. Started out majoring in computer electronics but changed to applied business with a major in computer programming.
    • Got back on the BBS’s and learned 16-bit computers are for losers. Sold the 286 and bought a 32-bit 386SX. OK, the CPU was 32-bit, but the data bus was still 16-bit. It’s all I could afford at the time.
  • 1990: Got married and second child born. It’s a boy! ? Started first real IT job – computer operator and quickly moved to a programmer role. Got rid of the 386SX computer and bought a 486.
  • 1992: First and only paycheck from Microsoft. Maybe I’ll share that story in a blog post one day.
  • 1995: Honorable discharge from the Naval Reserve.
  • 1996-2006: What the heck happened here?? Did I get sucked into a black hole? I guess just a bunch of working/furthering my IT career and being a husband & father. Nothing to see here, move along…
  • 2007: Bounced around to various IT/tech jobs since 1989. Always expanding my skillset, and my income. But it was starting to look bad on the resume and decided I need to “settle down.” ? Started working for a multi-billion dollar tech company. Oh, and I got Lasik surgery.
  • 2008: Mom passed away. ?
  • 2012: Dad passed away. ?
  • 2013: First grandchild born. It’s a girl! ? Built our first family log cabin in Hocking Hills, Ohio.
  • 2015: Second grandchild born. It’s a boy! ?
  • 2016: Moved from Northwest Ohio to Hocking Hills, Ohio and launched a log cabin rental business. Built two log cabins. Got lured away to a new company/job by an x-coworker.
  • 2017: Third grandchild born (on my birthday ?? ? ? ). It’s another boy! Grandkids are fun, but dang, three is enough and I wish they’d stop moving so much and making noise & messes! LOL!
    Hated the company I joined last year and, after a 16-month “sabbatical”, returned to the same tech giant I joined in 2007. Built two more log cabins, now we have five.
  • 2018: Turned 50. Ugh! But hey, I feel good and that’s what counts!
  • 2019: Broke ground on a new home. Sold our oldest rental log cabin, now we have four.
  • 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic. Are you kidding me?? Best year ever for our log cabin rentals. Did better this year with four cabins that we did the previous 3 years with 5 cabins, despite being shut down by the local health department from March 23rd to May 4th.
  • 2021: COVID-19 Pandemic still going. Are you kidding me??? Cabin rentals doing even better than 2020. I guess we have a pandemic-proof business. ?? My wife finally got her first new Jeep despite working there and building them for 20+ years — a firecracker red Gladiator.
  • 2022: Fourth AND fifth grandchildren born. Twin boys! ??♊ Sold the cabin rental business. It was a nice exit!
  • 2023: My manager of 16 years got fired, he was with the company over 20 years. They told him it was because he got paid too much. So much for loyalty! Corporate America SUCKS!
  • 2024: Finally retired “early” from my lifelong career as an IT Professional. I retired at the beginning of the year at age 55, and will turn 56 in June, so it’s not super early. But it has been my goal for 20+ years to retire in my mid-50’s and be able to do what I want, when I want, and with whom I want.

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